
Endoscopy is indicated to investigate stomach pain,  bloating,  loose stools , heartburn iron deficiency, difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomiting, chronic cough, chest pain.

While the patient is asleep, a thin flexible camera called a endoscope is carefully inserted into the stomach and duodenum. A small camera transmits an image to a monitor, allowing close examination of stomach  lining. The only preparation for endoscopy is fasting 6 hours prior to the test. During the test biopsies can be taken. A biopsy,  means a small piece of tissue is removed for later examination with a microscope and thus we can determine Helicobacter infection,  or certain food intolerances such gluten intolerance or lactase deficiency

An endoscopy can detect stomach ulcers, coeliac disease, food Intolerances (Lactose, Sucrase and Maltase deficiency), Helicobacter infection, stomach cancers, gastro oesophageal reflux, Barrett’s oesophagus, Oesophageal cancer and helps guide the treatment of those conditions.